We are Thyia the comfortable and convenient alternative to the smear test. We empower women to protect themselves from cervical cancer with a simple and elegant at-home test. Our mission is to eradicate the 99% of cervical cancers caused by HPV.
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- Amanda Pritchard, CEO of NHS England
Through a combination of effective cervical screening and HPV vaccination the NHS pledged to eliminate cervical cancer before 2040.
A Doctor, NHS Clinical Entrepreneur and Cervical Cancer Screening Expert, Chris brings 9 years of NHS experience and 4 years in cancer screening. As a Clinical Safety Officer, Chris has a proven track record in developing and deploying healthtech solutions, combining medical expertise and innovation to drive success.
Naomi is a Cambridge graduate and senior VP in strategy at WPP and Omnicom with 8 years of professional experience. Naomi has experience delivering large projects and marketing strategy for healthcare brands such as Canesten, Bayer, and Pfizer especially in their consumer products.